Intro to the Healthy for Life series

Hello and welcome everyone.
First off, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. I pray it will help you become a better and healthier you. At first, the information I post here will be that of doctors and other medical professionals that I am referred to in my current studies (as well as my curricular hobby of reading books outside my study guide). You may even find, or even participate, in my future school projects so please stay tuned.
Next, let me introduce you to a really great book I've just read called, "Healthy for Life", by Ray D. Strand MD (with Donna K. Wallace). I am planning on dedicating my next 13 or so posts to briefly discuss the contents of this book. Though, I will be using my own words and with my own comments as to not plagerize or violate it's copyright infringements (I will also be keeping it as brief as possible). Though, I urge you to buy this book for yourself and later we can discuss it in more detail privately. I have provided a link to his website where you can order his book;

Disclaimer: I am not in any way associated with Dr. Strand's products or company affiliations. Though, his insight on nutrition is universal and can be applied to anyone.

Take Care and God Bless

Friday, August 15, 2008

Coming Soon: Insuline Resistance; What is it and how does it affect me?

Hello everyone,
Although I am still immersed in my studies I thought I would share something with you that I've been learning. Something I find extremely important as it's impacting many lives and they don't even know it yet!
- Have you recently gained weight (particularly around the abdomen)? without changing your eating and lifestyle habits?
- Are you overweight or obese and you just cannot seem to lose any weight, no matter how hard you try?
- Do you often get the "munchies", have a carbohydrate addiction, and/or have the tendancy to have "midnight snacks"?
- Are you a fast-food junkie?
- Are you worried about your health in general or wish to know a way that will help you towards a better you?

Well, stay tuned. I will be posting something soon that I pray will help you.
Take Care Everyone
Stay Healthy and God Bless

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